Our Team
Eva Said
Eva is the Founder and Executive Director of the Nursing and Midwifery Centre.
She is a Registered Nurse, educated and licensed in the United Kingdom. Since 2015, she has worked to educate nurses and midwives in the public hospital system in Erbil.
Michele Calderon
Michele is the Co-Founder and President of the NMDC Foundation.
She works as a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Towson University. She is earning her PhD in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, where she studies healthcare workforce policy within the context of international development.
Carolyn Melby
Carolyn is the Co-Founder and Treasurer of the NMDC Foundation.
She is a nurse educator and philanthropist with a career in global health as a teacher, administrator, and policy maker.
Carolyn is a PhD, RN, ANP, and CCH Global Health Consultant.
Barbara Blackford
Barbara serves as the Secretary of the NMDC Foundation.
She is a philanthropist and humanitarian who lived in Erbil from Sept 2020-Dec 2022 while she served as the In-Country Director for Latter-day Saint Charities. She previously worked as the Executive Director of Corporate Relations at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, as Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations at UC Berkeley, and as Associate Director of Corporate Relations at Stanford University.
C. James Olson, Colonel (Retired) MSC, MSA
Col. C. James Olson was formerly the Executive Officer to the Principle Assistant for Research and Technology at the U.S. Army Medical and Materiel Command (MRMC) in Frederick, Maryland. For the past three decades Col. Jim Olson has been involved in the advancement of medical technology research as well as the management of Army field medical materiel readiness worldwide.